
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Finally Off Campus

As a college student, you are faced with tough decisions each and every day. Should I go to the café or order Chinese? Should I study for my quiz tomorrow or go to the movies with friends? Should I stay pre-med or major in musical theater? But one decision that can be surprisingly simple is the decision to live off-campus.
Most colleges require you to live on-campus during your freshman year, but after a year (or two) of not so polite roommates you desperately want the key to officially unlock your freedom. Living off campus is a definite possibility. However, if you want to live off-campus then you should consider moving off-campus.
Of course the decision to move off-campus is not that easy. Especially when you have to take your parents concerns into account. For those of you saying, “My parents will never let me,” below is all you need to know about getting your parents on board the off-campus train.

At least on month prior to moving out, figure out where you are going to live. Your parents want to know that you think in advance about the consequences of future decisions. Consider the rent the exact amount, (not ranges) according to you and your parents’ financial standing. Gather the money you will need to live for a third or half the time you will be living off campus. Most parents will assist you in paying the rent. However, there is always a limit. So take the time to actually do the math. Parents like when you come to them with details and complete information. They’ll be in disbelief when you rationally explain that living off-campus will save them money.

Examine the distance from school to campus. Is it more than 30 minutes? If so, remember, the closer the better. Parents sometimes get on edge about their children commute too many miles a day. Be sure to include how you plan to get back and forth to campus. Understand that a car does not run on water, so make plans to get a job to main your vehicle.

Which friends (if any) will be living with you and for how long? Your parents are always going to want to be informed. So don’t allow secrets or hiding details of your living arrangements become your downfall. Let’s be realistic, boy/girlfriends will most likely not be acceptable roommates in your parents eyes.

Show Off!
Make it obvious that you are (or willing to become) responsible adult. Parents want you to be responsible and living in your own apartment will require you to be responsible. Show that you are confident and excited to take on that responsibility. For example keep your room spotless, wash clothes and dishes, and even take care of small things your parents normally handle. If your parents still don’t buy it, let it be known that you are willing to grow up. Say something like, “I will just have to learn how to cook and clean and care for an apartment. I won’t have a choice. I will have to learn how to do these things eventually and I am excited and ready to learn now.

Congratulations! You’ve just successfully won over your parents and will be moving off-campus next semester. Happy moving!

From UPT w/♥,

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