#1 Touching your hair constantly.
This is my first concern because I believe it is the most difficult on this list to prevent throughout the day. Who doesn't like to touch or play with their own hair? Well, the more you dig and pick at your hair, the more oil and dirt from your fingers goes inside your precious coils. Therefore, the next time someone wants to touch your hair, you must tell them no. Unless you are styling, washing, or detangling, keep those perfectly manicured fingers out.#2 Ripping Those Knots Out.
Have you ever been detangling your hair and suddenly, you encounter a kinky knot? You think to yourself, “What should I do about this?” and you rip or comb the knot out. Finally, your knotty hair is down on the floor. Girl, you have to be patient with your knots. If you start untwisting at the base of the scalp or half way down, it can cause breakage and split ends. Using your fingers or a wide tooth comb, start at the bottom of the hair and work your way toward the root. Patience is the key here.#3 Not Trimming.
No more running from those scissors. So you think the only time you need to cut our hair is when you have split ends or single strand knots? WRONG! If you trim a little bit of dead weight from your hair, your hair will come back to life. You can trim your hair four times a year or every 8 to 10 weeks. Trimming your curls is a great way to experiment with different hairdos and shapes as well.#4 Dreaming Of Being Rapunzel.
We all must realize that it takes years for our hair to grow. If your hair isn't down your back after being natural for one year, no need to be upset. Hair length is a process that takes time. Ladies, as long as your hair is healthy and well maintained, you should be satisfied with your hair no matter what length it may be.#5 Going to Sleep Without Protecting Your Hair.
Sometimes you have a wonderful night out partying with your friends and you just hit the sheets. However, no matter how tired you may be, every naturalista needs to make sure you grab that satin cap or have a satin pillow case over your plush pillow. If not, you will wake up shedding like a sheep and your hair will be dry like a desert. Even if you have to keep your cap in your purse, please put it on before you go to bed.#6 Skip Conditioning
Many times after a drawn out hair wash, I've found myself to lazy to add in conditioner just wash out moments later. Yes, I know it can seem pointless at times, but this is a very important step for us natural girls. After washing natural hair often times shampoo can strip the hair of its natural oils. This is where conditioner comes in to return moister to hair strands. I have even noticed I have longer lasting styles with conditioned styles than without.Well naughty naturalistas, I hope this has given you a little to think about considering the winter months are quickly approaching, which can become more harsh on natural hair. So for the benefit of healthy gorgeous natural hair, adhere to this little changes in your hair care regimens and I'm sure you will be on your way to natural nirvana.